Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cream Pudding

This comes from Granny Robertson. She developed it from a banana cream pie recipe. This is probably the entire family’s most favorite desert.

1 Scant cup Swans Down cake flour
1⅓ cups sugar
½ teaspoon salt
3½ cups milk
4 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2½ teaspoons vanilla
1 cup cream, whipped

Mix flour, salt and sugar in top of double boiler. Add milk and cook over hot water stirring constantly, till mixture thickens. Then cook 3 minutes longer, stirring occasionally. Pour small amount of mixture into the egg yolks, beating vigorously. Return to double boiler and cook 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Cool. Add vanilla. Chill. Fold in whipped cream. Keep refrigerated.

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